Sunday, October 6, 2013

Breakfast no help increases fertility.

Women struggling to conceive should try eating an application is filled breakfast, hearty, according to a new study.

The researchers found, " eat them " a meal filled in the morning, rather than evening, could help women with a polycystic ovary syndrome ( PCOS ) " stick elected." Statistics show that PCOS is a disease currently affects about 6 % - 10 % of women who are of childbearing age, destroying their ability to reproduce.

In the women's disease, PCOS has insulin resistance generated, leading to an increase in the male hormone androgen and can also cause irregular periods, hair loss, increased growth of body hair, pimples, diabetes and reproductive problems. The amount of calories absorbed most of the day in the morning will help regulate insulin, testosterone and other hormones, which can reverse the fertility of the weaker sex.

The researchers conducted trials with 60 women for 12 weeks at the University of Jewish Jerusalem ( Israel ) . The volunteer subjects aged 25-39, relative to lean body mass index less than 23 and PCOS syndrome.

All the aforementioned women were divided into two equal groups, and each of them is allowed to absorb about 1,800 calories / day. The difference between the two groups is the time to eat a hearty meal during the day to close approximately 980 calories: a group dinner this morning while other groups " bowl type " it in the evening. The researchers wanted to find out whether the time caloric intake affects insulin resistance and increased androgens in women with PCOS syndrome or not.

The result is, glucose levels and insulin resistance decreased by 8 % in the largest meal during the day in the morning, while no changes in the other group. Furthermore, in group B, the amount of male hormone testosterone dropped nearly half, while in the group remain dinner.

Ovulation rate in the sister group breakfast also much higher than you men from other groups. This implies, filled breakfast leads to improved fertility in women carrying the PCOS syndrome.

Prof. Oren Froy, who led the study, concluded: " Our work shows clearly that our calorie intake each day is important, but the time we capture them even more important. "

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