Sunday, October 6, 2013

Breakthrough helps menopausal women pregnant.

The Japanese and U.S. researchers have successfully tested a new method of treatment for infertility, help menopausal women who were 25 years of age from birth to a healthy baby boy. This is considered an important breakthrough, open hoping to turn her dreams of women with early menopause a reality.
Researchers at the Stanford University ( California, USA) and the University of St Marianna ( Kawasaki, USA) was conducted for the treatment of women with premature ovarian failure ( POI ) . This is a form of the disease early menopause, which affects approximately 1 % of women past reproductive age, making their ovaries stop working normally before the age of 40.

Although women may suffer POI trying to conceive by natural or artificial, no measure of this is effective, helps them get own children. Based on the findings from previous studies that a few of the women with POI own immature eggs, is " asleep " in the ovaries, the two scientists from Stanford University and St Marianna was looking to " wake up " the eggs and " end " they grow during the maturity period.

The research team discovered that the eggs were kept in the immature status by 2 " brake " biology. The drug can either remove this break. The strange thing is, the remaining brake will be disabled when the experts cut into piece's ovaries before recovering a few of them.

According to the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the researchers tested the method for the treatment of 27 female volunteers suffering from POI. In 5 of these women, the egg is stimulated to develop sufficiently to be able to use in vitro fertilization ( IVF ) .

As a result, IVF has failed in 1 case and are still being monitored in two other cases. However, a woman is pregnant and gave birth to another healthy baby boy is 1. The researchers revealed that the woman had been due to new methods of early menopause four years ago, when she was 25 years old. Researcher obstetrician Kazuhiro Kawamura directly to her successful Caesarean section.

Co-author of the study, Prof. Aaron Hsueh expressed hope their new technique can also be useful in helping the sisters with infertility due to cancer treatment and suitable both for new sister's menopause than 40 but has been struggling to conceive. However, the new method is expected to not be effective for women who step into the menopause at the normal age (range 45-53 years) .

The authors said the study will continue to refine their techniques to not ovariectomy. They insist there is still much work to be done to prove this new method is safe and can be widely applied.
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